Voltage Fault Injection

Exploring the Boundaries of EMFI – FI Needle

Exploring the Boundaries of EMFI – FI Needle

Learn whether a real-world mobile phone can be influenced by fault injection attacks without any hardware modifications or attacker control code.
There Will Be Glitches: Extracting and Analyzing Automotive Firmware Efficiently

There Will Be Glitches: Extracting and Analyzing Automotive Firmware Efficiently

This paper describes multiple techniques for analyzing and extracting automotive firmware efficiently from secured ECUs.
How to use Riscure’s VC Glitcher

How to use Riscure’s VC Glitcher

VC Glicher is Riscure’s tool for Fault Injection, part of Riscure Inspector tool set. This video explains the features of VC Glitcher and shows how to use VC Glitcher by building a simple setup.